Monday, March 09, 2009

Hillsong '08 (Part 2)

Darlene, Joel, JD and Ben.
JD - full-on as always...
Marty Sampson - one of my favorite Worship Leaders. Writes amazing songs too.
Michael Gungor bringing the rock! He writes, sings and plays incredibly. It was a treat to see these guys in this environment.
cool as always...
Reuben Morgan - the best Christian songwriter in recent history!
Ali's hands!
Brian and Bobby Houston. My highest honor and respect to these guys. What a legacy they have already - and there's more to come!

Monday, March 02, 2009

Hillsong 08 (Part 1)

Here are some images from the Opening Night of Hillsong Conference 08. It was amazing!
2 giant cubes about 12 feet square descended from above the stage...
The opening sequence was "ONE". One creation, one people, one love... One God.Video was used to great effect and then the band started to play... the singers were in silhouette, and then we realized that the figure on the left playing harmonica was none other than Israel Houghton. Very cool!
I love nothing more than seeing people fully engaged in worship, and there is nothing better than seeing 20,000 of them at once. It is awesome!