Here's something different for you to look at. What do you think it is (or was)?
That’s the problem with art: what is and what isn’t art is decided by very few people. Bono on Bono, p73
If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Wayne Dyer
That’s the problem with art: what is and what isn’t art is decided by very few people. Bono on Bono, p73
If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Wayne Dyer
So... Does it matter what tools one uses to make their art? Or do you think one must stick to very defined guidelines to create anything of relevance or significance?
From Wikipedia:
A purist is one who desires that a particular item remain true to its essence and free from adulterating or diluting influences. The term may be used in almost any field, and can be applied either to the self or to others. Use of the term may be either pejorative or complimentary, depending on context. Because the appellation depends on subjective notions of what is "pure" as opposed to "adulterating" as applied to any particular item, conflict can arise both as to whether a person so labeled is actually a purist and as to whether that is desirable.
Here's a short discussion on what is fake, or not:
P.S. The above creations were made from one photograph of a rusty light pole in Perth City... a pole that does exist, but is now only distantly related to this "art".
trying to prove a point?
No, just trying to bug you! (Well, maybe, yes!) I knew you'd bite. ;-)
man, i'm so predictable, dammit. next time i wont be so easy.
doesn't look like a pole... maybe ur confused?
BTW the only way to prove a point is to stick someone with it to see if they bleed... if they don't bleed it isn't a point, well not a sharp point?
Can I just say Hehehee!
So Mark, when's your sessionsixty happening?
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