Yesterday morning Ali went along to Imagine, the weekly women's group for Newport Church (Pastors Jonathan and Di Wilson, ex Hillsong in Sydney). I took the opportunity to drive down to Newport Coast and just look around a bit, take some snaps, and just have an hour to myself.This was taken at Lookout Point on the Newport Coast. I just thought it was interesting and you could make up a thousand stories to go with it. (The guy is actually a personal trainer. I just caught him in the act of sitting down while the 2 girls he was training had gone for a short run. It was about 10:30am and the Marine layer was still fairly thick... there you go - the story you make up is probably going to be better than the truth!)
This is a little bay hidden away along the Newport Coast. (Can you see the puppy dog rock?) It amazes me how many places you can find without going hours out of suburbia.
Driving under a freeway overpass I saw this out of the corner of my eye and had to go back to see if I really saw what I thought I saw. Now is this random chance, or did someone put it there? My guess is that it's a bit of both. Some creative person saw the opportunity to add eyes and a mouth to a random windblown pile of dirt and leaves. Good work! That is very often how creativity works. We take something reasonably ordinary and add an element to it in an unexpected way, resulting in an engaging piece of work.
Thats very creative. What an afro
Hi Mark and Ali. Here's to the web, allowing us to keep in touch. Thinking about you guys.
Paul, Sanet, Katja and Arnold.
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