If you follow the 5 Freeway South until it reaches the coast you'll pretty much be at Dana Point. We have been there a few times to pass time while waiting for Daniel if he's only had to be at school for a couple of hours (it's nearby). We discovered plenty of wildlife there - especially squirrels. I imagine they eat pretty well from the scraps people leave behind, and so they are reasonably bold around people.
This little tortoise was about 6-7 inches long - just sunning himself on the bank. He wasn't so easy around people and I had to wait about half an hour and go back to the spot to get this shot after I scared him off the first time.
The rabbits and the squirrels don't mind hanging out together. I guess they probably eat similar stuff. These shots were all taken within 20 meters (yards if you prefer) of each other on the same day.
Mate - I like these pics, but what I really need is for you to write a review of the MuteMath show you went to! :)
most of the rabbits i have shot at have been a little more than 20m away, but i hit them all the same.
yes, mutemath please, so that those of us stuck in the third world can experience a few pleasurable moments of vicarious living.
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