Sunday, June 24, 2007


Well, I sure have some catching up to do here! So much has happened in the last three months, but I've been unable to share it with you because of the status of my blog... I'll try to fill you in on the interesting things. But for now, something purely aesthetic.
This electrical transformer box caught my eye while we were in Perth. I loved the rich colours of green and rust and the way the elements have aged and weathered what was once a nice neat box. It's not always the clean and perfect that commands our attention. It's not always the fresh and new that speaks to us of deeper beauty.
[Now here is my dilemma now I live in the US - should I spell like an Australian or an American?!]

1 comment:

Paul V said...

So do you want to write in English or American?... LOL - glad you arrived home safe and sound. Sorry we couldn't catch up while you were here. I am planning to swing past LA on the way back from Mexico and Brazil in August. Will let you know.