Friday, January 04, 2008

Las Vegas

After Christmas and before New Year we drove up to Las Vegas to stay 2 nights. It's about 5 hours drive through mainly desert. We walked up and down "The Strip" and also drove around the countryside a little. There is a lot to see. Lot's of impressive buildings and architecture and lots of rugged terrain.

There are certainly a lot of sparkling and bright lights in Vegas. A lot of glitz and glam, but we didn't see a lot of happiness. It's like Disneyland for grown-ups who don't know God and don't want to. You can be "entertained" 24 hours a day. It's a place to cater to all your fleshly and self-serving desires. No wonder it's called Sin City.
The artificial Volcano eruption outside the Mirage hotel and Casino was quite impressive. Inside the Venetian Hotel and Casino there is a complete canal where you can take gondola rides! Very impressive. The sky here is artificial.
When you first enter the Venetian the whole ceiling is covered in frescoes like this. It's beautiful and awe-inspiring.
These petal baths were on both sides of the entrance to a restaurant. A very creative and effective way to set up an intimate and inviting atmosphere.
Just outside Las Vegas to the West near Red Rock Canyon. Grandeur and Majesty of an altogether higher kind than seen in the city.This is a shot looking across toward the Valley Of Fire just outside of Las Vegas to the East. This was nearing sunset and the colors of the rocks and mountains is amazing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey mate, good to see you getting out and about... Vegas is a place to love and hate at the same time. I loved teh scenery through the deserts from Vegas, reminds me we have a big God.
Love ya!