Tuesday, April 01, 2008

9 Lives!

Well this post is a little overdue but I've had a lot on my mind recently. (Stay posted for more on that very soon.)

You may remember that we said goodbye to our cat Ella back in September (here's my original blog post). I wrote that post after we were quite certain that she was gone for good. A number of cats locally went missing around that time and there are Coyotes in the area (I actually saw one the other day when I was out running).

Well, a friend of ours recently gave us a local Real Estate advertising brochure that had a few public announcement type ads on the back of it. There was an ad for a brown cat that had been found. We thought, "there's no harm in checking it out", so Ali called the number. Five minutes later we had the news that Ella was living with a family only 3 or 4 blocks from our house, so we went around to pick her up.

The people were so nice. Ella had wandered into their backyard just after the fires in October (about a month after she went missing!). She was skinny and filthy and riddled with worms and the pads on her feet were all cut up. They took her in and took her to a vet and nursed her back to health and set about trying to find her owners. It was more than five months since she walked out our front door.
She had been well loved by another family and was returned to us beautiful and healthy. It was a strange feeling to have her "back from the dead".
I think she's really enjoying being home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad your cat is back Mark. I read with sadness when you told about the disappearance of your loved pet.