Sunday, April 06, 2008

Tommy Walker @ Saddleback Church

Last Sunday afternoon I went along to Saddleback Church to attend their 4:30pm service. I'd heard that they were having guest Worship Leader, Tommy Walker, and his band. I've heard Tommy's name mentioned a fair bit but (I'm ashamed to say) never really heard his music and I'd never seen him play.

Wow! What an amazing band. Every one of them brilliant and well known players and singers - they were cooking. And Tommy - truly one of the great worship leaders of our time. He was completely transparent and authentic, obviously personally in love with Jesus, and wanting nothing more than to help everyone in their expression of worship. And he certainly did that. His very laid back humble approach and encouraging words made everyone immediately warm to him and trust his leadership.

Tommy is a phenomenal musician too - an amazing songwriter and guitar player. I wouldn't say his music is incredibly modern but there was something in it that moved me deeply. I've often been excited by music but this was something more, something spiritual.
On Monday night I returned as Tommy was doing a solo workshop, speaking from his heart and doing a few of his songs. He has been the Worship Leader at Christian Assembly in LA for 18 years and has written over 100 songs that are currently being tracked by C.C.L.I. and are being sung in churches around the world. There is a wealth of experience there backed by humility and integrity and it was an absolute privilege to hear him, see him, and get to meet him afterwards. Gold!

Tommy's latest album is "I Have A Hope" which is sure to give the church worldwide a few more songs to sing!

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