Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Joyce Meyer Conference in LA

Joyce preachin'!

A year ago I never would have thought I'd be playing guitar with Darlene and the Hillsong team for a Joyce Meyer Conference at the Staples Center in LA. But that's exactly what happened on 13th - 15th of July. Darlene called my mobile phone at about 3pm on the Thursday afternoon and asked if I could make it to LA to play with them that night. I rushed home and got my stuff together and then made the mad drive into LA at the crazy end of the day as far as traffic goes. I arrived at the venue 20 minutes before the start of the night (at 7pm) and plugged in and away we went. Talk about flying by the seat of my pants. Half the songs I had heard but never played before, but it went great. I ended up going in for the Friday and Saturday morning sessions as well. It was a great honor to be asked and it was a lot of fun too.

The preaching over the weekend was shared by Joyce Meyer and Brian Houston. They were both brilliant of course. Delirious did a special concert on the Friday night (which we couldn't make it to).
Marty and me.
Darlz in a familiar pose.
The Team sitting in a meeting: (R-L) Nigel, Gio, Rolph, Darlene, Bobbie.


garrick field said...

nice work mate!!!

the b00f™ said...

the b00f™ once did sound for both MArk Cullen and whatsher name... it was good!

Missing the licks back here MC (the guitar ones that is) although young ZikedyZac is well and truly cutting the mustard!

the b00f™ said...

the b00f™ should also say in regards to Zac cutting the mustard... as opposed to gav who cuts the cheese - way too often!

And Bob for that matter...

Anonymous said...

Hey, that is so cool. God bless you! God is so good and He can make a way where there is no way. Your post is an inspiration to me. I came across your blog on Google. Hope you don't mind this comment. Anyway, God bless.


Jen Miller

Anonymous said...

this is a very random question I know..but on saturday night of this conference, they played a video before darlene and the band started into "here I am to worship", is there any chance at all that you would know where I could find that video?

Random...I know

Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry, I don't remember that. Maybe try getting in touch with Joyce Meyer Ministries. Someone in their production area may be able to help you.
